After you become acquainted with this simple basic recipe, you will not understand how you managed without it. It is excellent with almost every dish: roasted potatoes, antipasti, quiches, pies, stews, and sandwiches!
Rosemary SaltAfter you become acquainted with this simple basic recipe, you will not understand how you managed without it. It is excellent with almost every dish: roasted potatoes, antipasti, quiches, pies, stews, and sandwiches!
about one cup
- ¼-½ cup Compressed rosemary leaves by taste
- 1 cup Coarse Atlantic salt, gray or white
- Put everything in a strong blender and grind until you get a fine powder; if necessary, stop the blender and scrape the sides with a spatula.
- You get a moist rosemary salt; For a dry mixture, there are two options:
- Option A: Place the fresh rosemary sprigs on a plate. Let it dry for a day or two.
- Option B: Spread the rosemary salt on a plate or tray and dry for several hours or overnight.
- Keep it in a sealed jar in a cool, dark place. Rosemary salt will keep for a long time – over a year.
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